Friday, September 30, 2011

Mosque Kicked Out Suspected Terrorist Because Of His Radical Views And Support Of Al-Qaeda | ThinkProgress

As this article states: Muslims are playing a vital role in protecting our country. I hear some people that keep saying where are the moderate Muslims they are silent and condone violence. We are living our lives and working with our children and communities. We are tired of defending our religion and many of us refuse to defend it anymore. We are hard working Americans that enjoy our freedoms and want a better world for our children - PERIOD.

Mosque Kicked Out Suspected Terrorist Because Of His Radical Views And Support Of Al-Qaeda | ThinkProgress

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Animal is used to destroy houses, destroy trees that are over 100 years old, terrify big and small children, cause thousands to cry, and remove a Population of People one house, one family, and one heart at a time?

 An armored Caterpillar D9R Bulldozer used by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
I wonder how many lives and households this dozer has tried to destroy? It was a Caterpillar Bulldozer like this that ran over Peace Activist - Rachel Corrie. (Read about her short life and what she did on the internet and see below in the video what she believed in at a very young age - She is one of my role models!!!)

FROM THE National Building Museum.


What can you do?  Write to Chase W. Rynd, Executive Director, and politely tell her that the National Building Museum should rescind the Turner Prize from Caterpillar.  They are receiving the award and $25,000!!! 
For what?  DESTRUCTION not construction is how they have affected millions of lives.  

Rachel Corrie was a wonderful person and not because of the way she died under a Caterpillar but how she lived her life and the values she held from the time she was a very young girl. May God grant her a special place in Paradise and may she inspire all of us to do more good in this world. Ameen.