Thursday, November 17, 2016

Since this is where GOD places me every morning: That makes this our Universe, our Galaxy, our Solar System, our Planet, and our only Reality, and I hope to be a part (even a small part) of helping to change the Reality we live in. When we stick together like the atoms that make water which then becomes a tremendous force and if we stay persistant: we can cut through bigotry, oppression, and ignorance.  
String theory is a plausible theory that if true requires a multi-verse (multiple universes) and the theory also incorporates the need for the strings to be in motion (vibrating).   So we must stay in constant motion and join together to make Our reality possible. #NotInMyReality

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Police Chief Edward Flynn 

speaks to reporters after a Fire and Police Commission meeting Thursday night concerning the shooting of Dontre Hamilton.

Bravo!!!  Public Servants FEEL this day in and day out.

It can be frustrating for Public Servants to see people so concerned for a moment because when those people go home - the servants will continue to work, struggle, and sacrifice on a daily basis. The servants will be the ones that will continue to have to try to deal with the tragedies, sleep with the nightmares, and hide the horrors they see from their families every single day.  To me this is just like seeing the people standing outside of an Abortion clinic "Praying for the fetuses."  Now, GOD knows their intent - but to spend hours intimidating women when many of them will not lift a finger to help the living children in their community that suffer without food, clothing, or housing. Those same people will instead sit in judgement of everyone around them.

For people that care, worry, and give their lives to make the community better; dealing with other’s judgements about things they do not have a clue about can be infuriating and nauseating. This man knows the cries of sorrow he will have to block; the sights, sounds, and smells of death that will slam his senses; and the fear, confusion, and anger of friends and neighbors that will permeate the air. We can talk about the cause but don’t think for a moment that we can know what these men and women deal with daily.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Veterans Coming Home is an innovative cross-platform public media campaign that bridges America’s military-civilian divide by telling stories, challenging stereotypes and exploring how the values of service and citizenship are powerful connectors for all Americans. A critical piece of that process is opening up the lines of communication between veterans and civilians about the roles citizenship and service play in our civic life. ~
I have forgotten how good PBS is. VETERANS COMING HOME is a Great series to help begin to understand what Veterans are experiencing as they return home. I cannot find the newest episode that was on earlier - "Bridging The Civilian/Military Divide"

Monday, July 11, 12:00 am on NPT2

Duration: 0:28:18

Description: Is there a divide between civilians and veterans? What can we do to build communities that welcome veterans beyond simply, "thank you for your service." The discussion goes beyond stereotypes and broadens our understanding of what it means to serve.
- See more at:
Bridging The Civilian/Military Divide

Monday, July 11, 12:00 am on NPT2

Duration: 0:28:18

Description: Is there a divide between civilians and veterans? What can we do to build communities that welcome veterans beyond simply, "thank you for your service." The discussion goes beyond stereotypes and broadens our understanding of what it means to serve.
- See more at:
Bridging The Civilian/Military Divide

Monday, July 11, 12:00 am on NPT2

Duration: 0:28:18

Description: Is there a divide between civilians and veterans? What can we do to build communities that welcome veterans beyond simply, "thank you for your service." The discussion goes beyond stereotypes and broadens our understanding of what it means to serve.
- See more at:
- which I found extremely eye opening and which explained a lot. It should be added to this playlist soon. I hope to watch all of the shows, soon.
One guy said that he does not think that Civilians being "Aware" is the right way to approach the divide between the civilians and veterans - the only way is through Relationships!
I agree, without relationships there can be no real awareness - you can try but you have no investment until there is a relationship - no real ability to have empathy/understanding for one another without RELATIONSHIPS. This applies to civilians and veterans and to so many other divides that are splitting the world into so many fragments.

The end of the show was the best part - 

showing how we can make a 

difference to others by serving.  

United we Stand.

 MUST WATCH - "Bridging The Civilian/Military Divide" will post as soon as I find link.